Follow the steps below to correctly place your Therapy Pad. Remember to apply the Conductive Gel before placing your Therapy Pad. Only a dime-sized amount is needed. See How Do I Apply the Motive Conductive Gel to My Skin?
1. Locating your corner quadriceps muscles
- Extend your leg: Sit down in a comfortable position and extend your leg in front of you.
- Flex your thigh muscle: While keeping your leg extended, contract or flex the muscle on the front of your thigh. You can do this by imagining that you are trying to lift your leg off the ground without actually moving it.
- Observe the bulky muscle: As you flex your thigh muscle, you will notice a prominent muscle in the inner corner of your thigh, closer to your kneecap. This is your corner quadriceps muscle.
Left Knee Right Knee
Corner quadriceps muscle
- The quadriceps muscle is a large group of muscles located on the front of your thigh. It plays a vital role in knee health and provides stability to the knee joint. During Motive therapy, you will be targeting and stimulating this muscle to help strengthen and improve the function of your knee.
2. Remove the Therapy Pad cover
Each Therapy Pad comes with a reusable cover that needs to be removed before starting your therapy session. While holding the Pad from the edges, gently peel off the cover from the Therapy Pad and keep it in a safe place for storage.
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Correct Cover Removal
Do not touch the gel directly with your fingers, as the gel may get damaged or delaminated
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Incorrect Cover Removal
3. Position the Therapy Pad
- Align the Therapy Pad on your thigh according to the illustration provided below, ensuring the Pad's circle area is positioned on the bulky corner quadriceps muscle (see Step #1), about two fingers away from your kneecap.
- Place the rectangular section of the Pad on the top of your thigh.
- Ensure the sticky gel side is directly on your skin while the Motive logo faces upward.
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Correct Pad Positioning:
Pad is placed correctly, two fingers away from the kneecap.
Important: Incorrect Positioning of the Therapy Pad:
- Avoid placing the Pad directly on the kneecap or too close to the kneecap. It should be placed slightly above the kneecap (about two fingers) on the corner quadriceps muscle.
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Incorrect Pad Positioning:
Pad is placed incorrectly on the kneecap or too close to it.
- Avoid positioning the Pad too left (for the left thigh therapy) or too right (for the right thigh therapy). Ensure that the Pad is positioned on the center of your thigh while the Pad's circle area is over the corner quadriceps muscle.
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Incorrect Pad Positioning:
Pad is placed incorrectly, too left or too right.
- Avoid placing the Pad too far from the knee - Ensure that the Pad is positioned close to your knee, directly over the corner quadriceps muscle. Placing it too far from the knee may result in ineffective stimulation.
Left Therapy Pad Right Therapy Pad
Incorrect Pad Positioning:
Pad is placed incorrectly, too far from the knee.
4. Secure the Therapy Pad using the Wrap. See here How Do I Position the Motive Wrap?
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